Akili School Counseling Program


Meet Miss Clarke!

My name is Miss Clarke, and I’m the Akili School Counselor! I’m so excited to be a part of Akili and to get to know every student and their families. I hope to be a great resource whether students could use support through a difficult circumstance, help problem-solving an issue, or working through emotions. I also help students identify and expand their interests, passions, and abilities as they explore options after graduating high school.

Fun Facts About Me:
• I grew up in Columbus and am happy to call it home!
• I LOVE being outside and doing outdoor activities. Some of my favorite activities are rock climbing, camping, and snowboarding.
• My first real job in high school was working as a barista at Caribou Coffee. My favorite part was trying to make latte art!
• I’m a Buckeye - Go Bucks!

My Education:
B.A. Psychology - The Ohio State University
M.A. Counselor Education - The Ohio State University


School Counselor Contact Form:
Parents/guardians are welcome to use this form to contact the school counselor. The form can be used to share updates that you would like for Miss Clarke to be aware of, or to request that she check-in with a student.


Components of a School Counseling Program

School counselors are committed to providing a Comprehensive School Counseling Program as outlined by the American School Counselor Association (ACSA). To learn more about the role of school counselor, please visit the American School Counselor Association’s Role Statement.

A comprehensive school counseling program addresses three domains of student development:

  • Academic

  • College/Career

  • Social-emotional

At Akili Christian High School, student development in these areas is also viewed through the lens of their overarching spiritual development.

Indirect Student Services

Counselors seek to collaborate with and provide consultation for other school staff, teachers, parents/guardians, outside mental health providers, and community partners in order to best support student growth.

Direct Student Services

School counselors utilize three main avenues for supporting student growth:

  • Classroom lessons

  • Small group counseling

  • Individual counseling

Confidentiality and Limits to Confidentiality

(Adapted from ASCA Position Statement on School Counselors and Confidentiality, 2016)

The counseling relationship between students and their school counselor requires an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Students must trust the school counselor to be able to enter into a meaningful and honest dialogue with the school counselor (Iyer & Baxter-MacGregor, 2010). However, students should be informed that exceptions to confidentiality exist in which school counselors must inform others of information they obtained in the counseling relationship to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to students themselves or others and if it is legally required. School counselors recognize their primary obligation regarding confidentiality is to the student but balance that obligation with an understanding of the family or guardians’ legal and inherent rights to be the guiding voice in their children’s lives (ASCA, 2016).

School counselors work within the context of community, and seek to engage all stakeholders including families, school staff, and other significant relationships to support students. The utmost care is taken to protect sensitive information while also ensuring students receive the support they need across environments. Counselors discuss limits to confidentiality with students as a part of their role in protecting their safety and wellbeing.


American School Counselor Association. (2016). Ethical standards for school counselors.
Retrieved from

Iyer, N. N., & Baxter-MacGregor, J. (2010). Ethical dilemmas for the school counselor: Balancing student confidentiality and parents’ right to know. NERA Conference Proceedings 2010. Paper 15.
Retrieved from
https://opencommons.uconn.edu/nera_2010/15/?utm_source=digitalcommons.uconn.edu%2Fnera _2010%2F15&utm

The School Counselor and Confidentiality. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
https://www.schoolcounselor.org/Standards-Positions/Position-Statements/ASCA-Position- Statements/The-School-Counselor-and-Confidentiality